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"rain," raymond carver

Woke up this morning with a terrific urge to lie in bed all day and read. Fought against it for a minute. Then looked out the window at the rain. And gave over.

four years

may god bless my people: my uncle, my aunt, my mother, my good father. oh, remember them kindly in their time of trouble, and in the hour of their taking away. -- james

oct. 1

on this day four years ago I left Spokane, my hair a wild, unbrushed wreck, wearing an old pair of grey shorts and a zip-up cardigan I liked to call my "house coat." everything I owned was in my car, including my pet rabbit.


north carolina: a blast of humidity upon setting foot outside the airport. driving to the beach house, the road was lined with myrtles. we stopped at dunkin donuts on the way -- we